What is Software / Database Demonstration?

You may demonstrate your software or database using your own PC at BiWO2012 poster presentation site. Demonstration session is held at poster presentation room simultaneously. Demonstrators also should prepare a poster. If you would like to demonstrate your software or database, check the item gsoftware / database demonstrationh of the poster submission form.


Please bring your own PC for demonstration. Power and internet access including LAN cables are provided by CBRC. Poster presentation rooms are open during BiWO2012, except night time. To avoid PC stolen, please setup your PC at the beginning of poster sessions and remove it at the end of poster sessions. (Poster session time is 16:30`18:15, October 31 and 16:00`17:30, November 1.) However, if you take any antitheft measure and will not mind, you may leave your PC at the poster room. Contact us for details. If you would like to send your PC prior to BiWO2012, contact us.