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Exchanged ideas with the chairman and researchers
of A*STAR Singapore in Computational Biology Research Center

Mr. Yeo, the chairman of A*STAR Singapore visited Computational Biology Research Center(CBRC) with his company on 21st May, 2004. Our director, deputy director and principal research scientist welcomed them and exchanged the ideas on the future of biological research.

  • A*STAR (Agency for Science, Thechnology and Research)
    • Organization:

      It consists of 5 institutes; BMRC (Biomedical Research Council),
      SERC (Science and Engineering Research Council),
      CPAD (Corporate Planning and Administration Division),
      A*GA (A*STAR Graduate Academy) and ETPL (Exploit Technologies Pte Ltd).

    • There are many researchers having brilliant achievements
    • They have actively communicated on research with other research institutes abroad.
    • URL:


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