April 2014
Paul Horton, Ph.D.
Welcome to the Computational Biology Research Center (CBRC) web site. We are excited to announce that we renewed our center on April 1st this year. In the CBRC tradition, we will continue to carry forward our role as one of Asia's premier centers of research and training in bioinformatics. At the same time, we will take on new challenges to meet the demand for bioinformatics generated by the ongoing adoption of DNA sequencing as a common procedure in cancer treatment and many other industrial settings. To meet this demand we will develop algorithms and software for high-speed and sensitive detection of genomic (including expression and epigenetic) abnormalities and new inference techniques to relate those abnormalities to disease. Moreover, in collaboration with the Research Institute for Secure Systems we will develop privacy-preserving protocols for querying genetic data from databases to alleviate privacy concerns which are a potential roadblock to the use of genetic data in medicine. Finally, we will attempt to stimulate the biotechnology industry by developing technology to design genome regions containing several genes which can efficiently produce biomaterials of interest.