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CBRC Student received the best poster award
at CSH Asia 2011

Released on 28th Dec. 2011

Junko Tsuji's poster on insertion patterns of mitochondrial DNA fragments in mammalian genomes received the best poster award at the Conference of Bioinformatics of Human and Animal Genomics held at Cold Spring Harbor Asia, Suzhou, China during 14-18 November 2011.

Junko Tsuji is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computational Biology in the Graduate School of Frontier Science and the University of Tokyo. Junko performs her research at CBRC as part of our graduate student collaboration program.

Her poster was co-authored by Martin Frith, Kentaro Tomii, and her advisor Paul Horton, all from the sequence analysis team at CBRC.


Photo: The Conference images
Top left: Junko Tsuji presenting her poster from the back.
Bottom right: Paul Horton, Tsuji's advisor, Sequence Analysis Team Leader, CBRC, AIST.


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