>Abstract / CBRC WorkShopT 「Next Generation Sequencing」

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Xeno-mapping DNA Reads from Extinct Organisms: Mapping Meets Alignment

 ○Martin C. Frith
Computational Biology Research Center,AIST
Sequence Analysis Team, Research Scientist

New sequencing technologies have revolutionized genomic science in the last few years. These technologies, however, produce short DNA reads with non-negligible error rates. It is commonly necessary to map these reads to a reference genome sequence: there are many software tools that do this, some of which gain accuracy by using the per-base error probabilities reported by the sequencer. For various reasons (e.g. polymorphism, mapping ancient DNA to a modern genome), DNA reads differ from the genome not only because of sequencer errors but also because of real sequence differences. By combining error probabilities with an alignment scoring matrix, we can model both sources of difference. This approach consistently improves mapping accuracy, even when the rate of real sequence difference is only 0.2%.Furthermore, when mapping Drosophila melanogaster reads to the Drosophila simulans genome, it increased the amount of correctly mapped reads from 49% to 66%. This approach can be added into existing mapping tools with little computational cost, so it offers a general improvement in mapping accuracy, especially for organisms that lack reference genomes, are extinct, or are highly polymorphic.

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 ○光山 統泰
産総研 生命情報工学研究センター RNA情報工学チーム チーム長
 東京医科歯科大学大学院 生命情報科学教育部 客員教授


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