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Finished Events - 2004
Date 1st Oct. 2004
Title Pioneering in Bioinformatics (in Japanese)
Venue Miraican Hall, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
Host "AIST Upbringing Talent in Bioinformatics Course", sponsored by Promotion Budget for Science and Technology - Upbringing Talent in Emerging Field: Bioinformatics, MEXT.
In cooperation with Computational Biology Research Center and Biological Information Research Center, AIST
Special thanks to -
Finished Events - 2003
Date 3rd Oct. 2003
Title Bioinformatics, Challenge towards to the Future (in Japanese)
Venue Miraican Hall, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
Host "AIST Upbringing Talent in Bioinformatics Course", sponsored by Promotion Budget for Science and Technology - Upbringing Talent in Emerging Field: Bioinformatics, MEXT.
In cooperation with Computational Biology Research Center and Biological Information Research Center, AIST
Special thanks to -
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Finished Events - 2002
Date 19-20th, 24-25th, 27-28th Mar. 2003
Title Spring School of Bioinformatics
Venue International Hall of Kyushu University, Hakozaki District (19-20th Mar.) Tokyo Internatinal Forum (24-25th Mar.)
Senri Life-science Center (27-28th Mar.)
Host Education and Research Organization for Genome Information Science (University of Tokyo / Kyoto University)
University of Tokyo - Undergraduate Program for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Human Resource Training Unit in Prediction of Protein Functions, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Human Resource Training Course in Bioinformatics, AIST
Training Program of System-Biologist, Keio University
Supporter Japanese Society for Bioinformatics
Special thanks to -
Date 8th Nov. 2002
Title Bioinformatics in the Post-Genomic Era
Venue Tokyo International Exchange Center, Lecture Hall
Sponsored by National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
In cooperation with Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization; Japan Biological Informatics Consortium
Special thanks to Tokyo International Exchange Center, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
Date 4th Oct. 2002
Title Leap of Bioinformatics in the 21st Century (in Japanese)
Venue Miraican Hall, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
Host "AIST Upbringing Talent in Bioinformatics Course", sponsored by Promotion Budget for Science and Technology - Upbringing Talent in Emerging Field: Bioinformatics, MEXT.
In cooperation with Computational Biology Research Center and Biological Information Research Center, AIST
Special thanks to -
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