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Finished Events - 2006
DateEventparticipant (CBRC)
9th-13th October ICSB 2006
(The Seventh International Conference on Systems Biology)
Hideki Nagasaki,
Wataru Fujibuchi,
Makiko Suwa,
Nozomi Nagano,
Tamotsu Noguchi,
Takatsugu Hirokawa,
Daisuke Tominaga,
Kazuhiko Fukui,
Yutaka Akiyama
The 3rd BG/L Sytems Software and Applications Workshop

ICSB 2006
The Seventh International Conference on Systems Biology

Date กง 9th - 13th, October
Venue กง Pacifico Yokohama
Host กง SGI
Co-Hosts กง JST, RIKEN, AIST
Detail & Contact กง ICSB 2006
  • The Seventh International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB)
  • The Seventh International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) continues an annual series of conferences initiated by Hiroaki Kitano in Tokyo in 2000. This year's conference will begin with tutorials on the morning of Sunday, October 8. The formal scientific sessions will begin on Monday, October 9 and end on Wednesday, October 11. Workshops will follow on October 12-13.
  • The scientific sessions will feature plenary speeches and invited presentations by world-renowned researchers, along with afternoon poster sessions and evening social activities.
  • Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) Workshop
  • RTK Workshop will be held at 11F, AIST Tokyo Waterfront Bio-IT Research Building on 12th - 13th, October.
  • Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are central components of cell signaling networks and play crucial roles in normal physiological processes. Understating of RTK network is important to 1) identify key components and regulations, design and extension of assays de novo, and formulation of a series of mathematical models of RTK regulatory networks and 2) generate and test hypotheses important for the identification of therapeutic targets and translational research. The workshop is composed of two main sessions; (1st day) biological and theoretical lectures for understanding of characteristics of RTK network system, and (2nd day) practical sessions to handle software and databases for modeling, and actual data analysis.
  • Exhibition
  • CBRC will participate in the exhibition of the conference held in Pacifico Yokohama on 9th - 11th, October.
    Contents: About CBRC, recent research.
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