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DateEventparticipant (CBRC)
11/11-11/12 Science Agora 2012
10/30 Kick-off Symposium for Design and Development of Functional Genome for Innovative Biomaterial Project
10/30-11/2 BiWO2012

Science Agora 2012

Date ¡§ Nov 10(Sat)¡ÁNov 11(Sun)
Venue ¡§ Tokyo Odaiba Waterfront, Japan
Detail ¡§ Official HP¡§
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Kick-off Symposium for Design and Development of Functional Genome
for Innovative Biomaterial Project

Date ¡§ Oct 30(Tue)14:00-18:00
Venue ¡§ Computational Biology Research Center(CBRC), AIST
Contact ¡§ Biwo2012 committee
TEL: 03-3599-8080¡¡Email:
¢¨Emai address¡§_AT_ ¢ª@
14¡§00 ¡Á 14¡§15 Greetings
14¡§15 ¡Á 15¡§00 ¡ÆSynthetic Bioengineering¡Ç to realize innovative bioproduction
Akihiko Kondo(Kobe University)
15¡§00 ¡Á 15¡§30 Designing of bacterial genome by Bottom-up strategy
Tsuge Kenji(Keio University)
15¡§30 ¡Á 16¡§00 Technology for highly effictive utilization of large-scale genomic information into industry
Masayuki Machida(Bioproduction Research Institute, AIST)
16¡§00 ¡Á 16¡§30 Coffee Break
16¡§30 ¡Á 17¡§00 ¥Ý¥ê¥±¥Á¥É¹çÀ®¹ÚÁǤοʲ½²òÀÏ
Masanori Arita(University of Tokyo)
17¡§00 ¡Á 17¡§30 Synthetic Spider Silk: Recent Advances in Recombinant Production and Artificial Spinning
Junichi Sugahara(Spiber Inc.)
17¡§00 ¡Á 18¡§15 Biodiversity informatics: how to reveal epigenetic imprints on secondary metabolism.
¡ÚInvited Speech¡Û
Jens Christian Frisvad(Technical University of Denmark)
18¡§15 ¡Á ¡ÚBanquet¡Ûfree to join

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BioInformatics Week In Odaiba

Date ¡§ Oct 30(Tue)¡ÁNov 2(Fri)
Venue ¡§ Computational Biology Research Center(CBRC), AIST
Detail ¡§ Official HP¡§
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