Computational Biology Research Center[CBRC]

Advanced Industrial Science and Technology[AIST]
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DateEventparticipant (CBRC)
9/26 - 28 InCoB10 Kiyoshi Asai, Kazuhiko Fukui
7/28 - 30 CBRC2010 ¡¡
7/28 - 30 BiWO2010¡ÊBioInformatics Week In Odaiba) ¡¡
7/11 - 13 ISMB2010 Kiyoshi Asai
Paul Horton
Chie Motono
Michael Gromiha
Kana Shimizu
6/30 - 7/2 9th International BIO Expo Kazuhiko Fukui
Makiko Suwa
Takatsugu Hirokawa
Tamotsu Noguchi
Wataru Fujibuchi
2/8 BioHackathon 2010 Symposium ¡¡

International Conference on Bioinformatics

Date ¡§ September 26(Sun)¡Á27(Tue)
Venue ¡§ International Conference Center (ICC), Waseda University
Detail ¡§ InCoB10 Official HP:
CBRC Oral Presentations

CBRC will join The International Conference on Bioinformatics(InCoB10) during September 26 - 28 as a sponsor.¡¡Two CBRC scientists will present their latest works in oral.¡¡Please enjoy lively discussion with numerous other participants.

Sep. 26th¡ÊSun¡Ë¡÷Conference Room 1
SPLP: Life Science Integrated DB Project: Development of Web and Active Workflow
Kazuhiko Fukui¡ÊTeam Leader, Molecular Function Team, CBRC,AIST¡Ë
Sep. 27th¡ÊMon¡Ë¡÷Conference Room 1
Software for Next-gen Sequencer Analysis
Kiyoshi Asai¡ÊDirector, CBRC,AIST¡Ë
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BioInformatics Week In Odaiba

Date ¡§ July 28(Wed)¡Á30(Fri)
Venue ¡§ Computational Biology Research Center(CBRC), AIST
Detail ¡§ Official HP¡§
About BiWO2010:
5 Conferences concerning to bioinformatics will be held during "Bioinformatics Week in Odaiba 2010 (BiWO2010)", July 28 - 30, 2010, at AIST Tokyo waterfront, Odaiba, Tokyo.
Links for details;

  • The 133nd Kanto-area Colloquium of The Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan
  • The 311th Meeting of The Chem¡¾Bio lnformatics Society
  • 22nd IPSJ Special Interest Group on Bioinformatics (IPSJ SIGBIO)
  • JSBi-SIG on Pharma-Informatics
  • The Annual Workshop of CBRC2010
  • CBRC2010
    The Annual Workshop of Computational Biology Research Center 2010

    Date ¡§ July 28(Wed)¡Á30(Fri)
    Venue ¡§ Computational Biology Research Center(CBRC), AIST
    Detail ¡§ CBRC2010 Official HP:
    About CBRC2010:
    CBRC2010 is an annual workshop of the Computational Biology Research Center (CBRC) that performs bioinformatics research on a variety of topics. This meeting will feature software demonstration, oral presentations, and poster session, in addition to three invited talks by outstanding scientists. These will provide participants with both an overview of CBRC's research activity and the opportunity to directly discuss individual topics with the presenters.

    BioInformatics Week In Odaiba

    Date ¡§ July 28(Wed)¡Á30(Fri)
    Venue ¡§ Computational Biology Research Center(CBRC), AIST
    Detail ¡§ Official HP¡§
    About BiWO2010:
    5 Conferences concerning to bioinformatics will be held during "Bioinformatics Week in Odaiba 2010 (BiWO2010)", July 28 - 30, 2010, at AIST Tokyo waterfront, Odaiba, Tokyo.
    Links for details;

  • The 133nd Kanto-area Colloquium of The Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan
  • The 311th Meeting of The Chem¡¾Bio lnformatics Society
  • 22nd IPSJ Special Interest Group on Bioinformatics (IPSJ SIGBIO)
  • JSBi-SIG on Pharma-Informatics
  • The Annual Workshop of CBRC2010
  • 9th International BIO Expo

    Date ¡§ June 30(Wed)¡ÁJuly 2(Fri)
    Venue ¡§ Tokyo Bigsight, Japan
    Host ¡§ Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.
    Detail & Contact ¡§ BIO ACADEMIC FORUM
    • CBRC Oral Presentations
    • ¡¡The CBRC will host a pavilion at the 9th annual International Bio EXPO on June 30- July 2 at Tokyo Big Site.¡¡Five CBRC scientists will present their latest work in oral and poster presentations.¡¡Please enjoy lively discussion with numerous other participant.

    • June 30 Wed.
    • 12:50-13:20¡¡¡ÚACA-1¡Û
      Title: "Life Science Integrated Database Project¡§Workflow Analysis"
      Kazuhiko Fukui¡ÊTeam Leader, Molecular Function Team¡Ë
    • 16:10-16:40¡¡¡ÚACA-1¡Û
      Title: "Search for structural space of GPCRs from genome information."
      Makiko Suwa¡ÊPrincipal Research Scientist¡Ë
    • 16:50-17:20¡¡¡ÚACA-2¡Û
      Title: "Contributions of the in silico approach in chemical biology project"
      Takatsugu Hirokawa¡ÊTeam Leader, Molecular Modeling & Drug Design Team¡Ë
    • July 1 Thu.
    • 16:50-17:20¡¡¡ÚACA-1¡Û
      Title: "The methods for predicting protein expression/solubility"
      Tamotsu Noguchi¡ÊPrincipal Research Scientist¡Ë
    • July 2 Fri.
    • 14:30-15:00¡¡¡ÚACA-2¡Û
      Title: "Frontier of informatics analysis on cellular states with cell morphology and gene networks"
      Wataru Fujibuchi¡ÊTeam Leader, Cell Function Design Team¡Ë

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    18th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology

    Date ¡§ July 11(Sun)¡ÁJuly 13(Tue)
    Venue ¡§ John B. Hynes Memorial Convention Center, Boston, MA, USA.
    Detail ¡§
    • CBRC Oral Presentations
    • ¡¡CBRC will join The 18th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology(ISMB2010) during July 11- July 13 as a gold sponsor.¡¡Five CBRC scientists will present their latest works in oral and poster presentations.¡¡Please enjoy lively discussion with numerous other participants.

    • July 12 Mon.
    • ¡ÚTechnology Track: TT14¡Û¡¡10:45-11:10
      Title: "Challenging algorithms and comprehensive databases in protein structure and function"
      Room :306
      Presenting author: Michael Gromiha, CBRC, AIST, Japan
      We have developed comprehensive databases and competitive algorithms for understanding the structure and function of proteins. Our methods include (i) prediction of protein subcellular localization, transmembrane proteins/segments, disordered proteins/regions, and protein tertiary structures. Major databases are enzyme catalytic mechanisms, membrane protein function and structural atlas of human genome.
      Abstract PDF:
      Presentation PDF:
    • ¡ÚTechnology Track: TT16¡Û¡¡11:15-11:40¡¡
      Title: "Software for RNA and Next-gen Sequencer Analysis"
      Room :306
      Presenting author: Paul Horton, Computational Biology Research Center, AIST, Japan
      Abstract:We introduce several new computational methods for the next-gen sequencer age. RECOUNT corrects tag abundance. LAST is a faster replacement for BLAST. CentroidFold predicts RNA 2' structure, fRNAdb holds information on functional RNA's, and miRRim predicts miRNA foldbacks.
      Abstract PDF:
      Presentation PDF:
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    BioHackathon 2010 Symposium

    Date ¡§ 8 February, 2010
    Venue ¡§ Computational Biology Research Center(CBRC), AIST
    Detail ¡§ HP:
    10:00-10:05 Opening remarks
    Toshihisa Takagi (DBCLS/DDBJ)
    10:05-10:10 Introduction to the BioHackathon 2010 for Semantic Web
    Toshiaki Katayama (HGC, University of Tokyo)
    10:10-10:40 Towards a Semantic Systems Biology: Biological Knowledge Management Using Semantic Web Technologies t
    Erick Antezana
    10:40-11:00 High-level knowledge representation on the Semantic Web: the Concept Web Alliance and related efforts
    Matthias Samwald
    11:00-11:20 UniProt in RDF
    Thomas Kappler and Jerven Bolleman (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics)
    11:20-11:40 Bio2RDF cognoscope : A killer app for the life science.
    Franc,ois Belleau (Bio2RDF)
    11:40-12:00 Reflect - text mining in Semantic Web
    Heiko Horn (Novo Nordisk Foundation Centre for Protein Research)
    12:00-13:30 Lunch break
    13:30-13:50 RIKEN SciNeS
    Tetsuro Toyoda (RIKEN)
    13:50-14:10 SADI - semantic web service
    Mark Wilkinson (Genome Canada Bioinformatics Platform)
    14:10-14:30 Visualization and analysis of biological networks on the Semantic Web
    Andrea Splendiani (Rothamsted Research)
    14:30-14:50 Extending TogoWS and Open Bio* libraries for Linked Data
    Mitsuteru Nakao (DBCLS) and Toshiaki Katayama (HGC, University of Tokyo)
    14:50-15:00 Break
    15:00-16:30 Poster session
    16:30-18:00 Open space discussion
    18:00-20:00 Banquet

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